The Power of Being 1,000% Committed to Your Cause

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If you’re 1000% committed to what you’re doing, major hurdles are only speed bumps. I recently went through one of the most complicated and stressful business situations that I’ve ever experienced.

And the old me would have been discouraged because I used to use major hurdles as an excuse to give up and revert back to the safety of a job or something with more certainty.⠀

But I view what I’m working on now as my life’s work so the only option is to keep sprinting full speed ahead.⠀

There are two key lessons that I want to share from this experience:⠀
1. If you find a cause, mission, or purpose that you’re willing to commit your life to then you’ll be unstoppable and battling through the hard times will be much easier.⠀
2. If you have a strong ethics decision-making framework established (ie if someone does this, this is how I will respond) then excruciatingly painful decisions (based on someone else’s ethical violation) become simple because it allows you to remove your emotions from the decision making process.⠀

Interested in seeing the first concept in action and learning it the same way that I learned it? Watch the movie “A Time To Kill”.

I've been building digital businesses, wandering the world, and writing about optimizing life for freedom since early 2017. My mission is to lower the barrier for people who want to live with more freedom: whether that be as an entrepreneur, a digital nomad, an early retiree, or just as someone who wants to live a happiness-driven life.