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Almost everyone agrees that the goal of life is to be happy, yet I went to school for 20+ years and we spent a cumulative ~20 hours discussing happiness, purpose, and the other foundational aspects of living a successful life.
While I’ll never understand why we don’t teach kids in school about the most important aspects of life, if you’re interested in learning about these topics then you’ve come to the right place.
I’ve spent much of the last decade learning about life philosophies and optimizing my own life. Now I’m working hard to share my learnings with others.
My Backstory:
You can read my full story here but in a nutshell: I graduated high school in 2010 as a depressed, lost, and low self-esteem kid.
Since then:
- I figured out how to overcome depression.
- I quit my Silicon valley job to travel the world, have been happier than ever before, and have found purpose in life
- I financially retired at 28
- I won a 10 year battle with acne
- And a lot more!
Having gone through a long journey to rebuild myself and my life, I’m excited to share my favorite resources that will help you on your journey.
Here are all of my favorite resources on living a great life!
My Most Important Lessons
My Two Favorite General Resources
If you’re looking to make major improvements in life, I strongly recommend these two resources.
Every time I go through a major life change I use these to reset and to recalibrate my path because they’re phenomenal guiding forces.
1. by Brian Johnson
Brian Johnson is similar to a Tim Ferriss or a Tony Robbins in the sense that he’s a life hacker and philosopher. But why I like him more is that his content is focused around specific topics (i.e. 60 minutes on happiness, 60 minutes on purpose, 60 minutes on living a great year, etc.).
His content helped me to rebuild my life when I started nomading and I’m forever grateful to him.
His tagline is: “Isn’t it a bit odd that most schools go from science to math to history, but somehow miss the class on how to live.”
Tip: Start with the Optimal Living 101 Master Class. That’s where you’ll find the most important learnings!
2. The Alchemist (Book) by Paolo Coelho
The Alchemist is a fictional story and best-selling book (65 million copies sold to date).
The story is all about ignoring society and the voices of others, figuring out what you want to do with your life, and then chasing your goals with relentless focus.
It’s a great story about the journey of life!
How To Be Happy & Live A Happier Life (Guide)
Our Reality Is In Our Minds: Own and Control Your Happiness!
Why 2017 Was The Happiest Year of My Life & How To Make This Your Best Year
Nomading = Freedom = Happiness
How To Find Purpose & Meaning In Life (Ultimate Guide)
New Podcast Discussing My Journey of Finding Purpose In Life
The Ultimate Guide To Becoming A Minimalist (and Why Minimalism Makes You Happier)
The Curse of Consumerism and Wanting More
Why I Love Staying in Shitty Hotels (Disconnecting Things From Happiness)
Decision Making
A College Dropout’s Process For Evaluating Life’s “Riskiest” Decisions
How To Financially Retire Before You Turn 30 (FIRE) – An Ultimate Guide
How Learning That More Money Won’t Make Me Happier Has Changed My Life
Money Should Be Viewed As A Tool For Freedom, Not More Things
The Ultimate Guide To The Psychology of Success
Growth vs. Fixed Mindset: One of Life’s Most Important Concepts
Be Action Oriented And Take Control Of Your Life
Why We All Need To Say “I Don’t Know” More Often
Why High Agency Is One Of The Most Important Personality Traits
Embrace Your Weaknesses, They Have Counter Strengths
How To Live An Individualistic, Non-Conformist Life
Why I Stopped Taking Advice (And Maybe You Should Too)
What Happens When You Accidentally Fall Off Society’s Bell Curve
Why Being Rejected By The Herd Will Help You In Life
Designing Your Life
Book: Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life
The Ultimate Guide To The Psychology of Success
Overcoming Challenges & Insecurities
How To Overcome Your Greatest Insecurities & Challenges: Story Of Winning A 10 Year Battle With Acne
The Six Key Lessons I Learned From Conquering Depression
Being Grateful For Negative Experiences Will Change Your Life
Learning & College
How To Teach Yourself New Things Using The Internet
Why College Is A Waste For Entrepreneurs & Why I’m Unlikely To Send My Kids
Why Skill & Apprentice Based Learning Is A Better Path Than College (Praxis)
The Death of College As The Best Way To Get A Job And Gain Credibility – Isaac Morehouse
Why Nomading Is One Of The Best Ways To Press The Reset Button In Life
How to Reliably Spot Compulsive Liars in Business and Life
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