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When was the last time you audited who you’re surrounded by? Does your inner circle represent who you want to be value-wise, in your career, and in your general approach to life?
If the answer to this is no, I challenge you to make changes. Start by cutting back time with anyone who isn’t helping to propel you forward.
Then go through your network and identify 5-10 people who you’d like to build deeper relationships with.
Send each of these people a message saying that you’d love to catch up (in person or on a call). Then at the end of your meeting, ask if they’re interested in doing a scheduled recurring call/meeting.
Follow that by sending a recurring Google calendar invite for whatever time interval is best (weekly, every other week, monthly, quarterly, every half year, etc.).
Many of the people you reach out to may not respond at all – but that’s okay! Focus on building deeper relationships with at least a few great people.
In recent months, I’ve used this basic strategy to overhaul my peer group. I’m now doing recurring calls with many new people who are helping to inspire and motivate me to be great.
I hope this relationship hack will be as life-changing for you as it has been for me!
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