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Here at Freedom Is Everything, we post extensively about how to make money while living anywhere in the world. Below is a video and post from Kevin David about how to make money editing YouTube videos.
If you’re looking to make money online, I strongly recommend reading our ultimate guide to starting a digital business, our guide to becoming a freelancer/consultant, or guide to landing your dream remote job.
Table of Contents
The Written Version:
What is up my beautiful ninja family?
In this video, I’m going to be showing you how this weird “Top 10 Fastest Trains in the World” video made over $117,000 profit, and the most important part, how anyone, anywhere, even if you have zero experience and zero subscribers, can start making money today on YouTube without making any videos yourself. I promise you this is gonna be a good one. Stay tuned.
Alright, guys so in this video we’re going to be showing you how to make $100 or more, right? The examples that we’re going to give in this video, these people are making way more than $100 per day literally making videos on YouTube without doing any of the recording yourself. You don’t have to be on camera. You literally don’t have to do anything. All you have to do is remake videos that you’re allowed to use, right? This is 100% legit.
I did all the research. There’s something called Creative Commons that we’re going to show you and talk about a little bit later in this video. I’m going to show you guys how you can start making a ton of money from YouTube literally just reuploading videos that are already on YouTube because I know a lot of people don’t have cameras. A lot of people don’t want to get in front of a camera. But anyone anywhere with zero subscribers can start to do this and start to make a ton of money doing it.
Creative Commons
So, most people think that you’re not actually allowed to just reuse, you know, YouTube content and other people’s content that they upload on YouTube. People think that there are copyrights. People think that they’re not allowed to actually reuse that. And a lot of times that is actually true, but not always. There’s something called Creative Commons. And what Creative Commons is, is it allows anyone anywhere to reuse the video content that people upload to YouTube if they mark it as Creative Commons.
And the cool thing is, it’s actually very easy to figure out what is Creative Commons and what is not. As a warning, guys, do not skip any of this video because there’s one critical thing that you absolutely have to know to be able to make this work, and I know some people are going to skip parts of the video, or skip to the end and things like that. You are not going to make this work and live. You know, every step you guys.
There’s one critical mistake that a lot of beginners make. And if you don’t make that mistake, then you can actually go on to really start making a ton of money.
Like, again, this video right here that made over $117,000 profit. And if you don’t believe me, I’m going to prove it to you in just a few minutes.
The Type of Content to Create
Alright, so I want to show you guys just a few examples of actual people who are doing this so we’re going to share my screen really quick. And what we’re looking at right here, literally all I typed in was just scariest, right? So like scariest, as you can see 6.5 million views:
“13 Scariest Videos Found on the Dark Web,” right? You see 6.8 million views, seven years ago, “Top 10 Most Disturbing Scariest Courage the Cowardly Dog Episodes,” right?
But you can do this for anything. You can literally just search “top 10,” right? And you can look at all of these different things right here. You can see 4.4 million views, right? Two months ago. Or 1.2 million views, 165 million views, all of these different, you know, videos, and you can enter things, you can enter all types of things. My favorite things to actually enter are, you know, things that have to do with fitness, conspiracy theories, sports, right? For names, things, that people actually search all the time.
Making Money On Youtube
So you’re saying to yourself probably, “Kevin, yeah, these people have millions of views, but how are they actually making money? Right?” And we’re going to talk about exactly how much money 1 million views generally is for most of these YouTubers, and how much they’re actually bringing in, you know, from a profit perspective, because according to Business Insider, right? Most YouTubers average about $3 CPM.
And what that means is how much you get paid per 1000 views. So if a video has a million views, right, and you’re getting paid $3 per thousand views, you’re getting paid 3,000 US dollars. 100% profit for every million views that you actually have.
So here’s another example. “Top 10 trains,” “top 10 fastest trains in the world: 2018.” It’s literally a compilation of the fastest trains in the world. You can see a year ago has 39 million views, and so if we pop up the calculator right here we can see 39 million views times $3,000.
Like I just proved to you, right, they’re getting paid $3,000. And that’s pretty much minimum, guys. $3,000 per million views. So 39 million times 3000 is $117,000 profit for literally uploading a train video top 10 fastest trains in the world.
How YOU Can Start Making Youtube Videos and Getting Paid
So you’re probably saying yourself, “okay, Kevin, how do I figure out which of these videos I can actually use? And then how do I actually make money doing it?”
Well, that’s a good question. And the way that you actually do it is by using what’s called Creative Commons. So every time that I actually type something into YouTube, what I can do is come to filter right here, and then I can literally type in “Creative Commons,” right?
So what Creative Commons means is it means that you can actually download these videos right? And if you don’t know how to download a YouTube video, all you have to do is Google search, how to download a YouTube video, right? There’s mp4 downloaders.
It’s very, very easy to do. And once you filter for Creative Commons, like I just did, it’s going to show you videos, any video that pops up with the Creative Commons filter on it as has a little note. Every time you do a new search, you want to make sure that it’s on because sometimes it actually turns itself off. But you can see that it’s obviously on right here. Every single one of these videos is free to use. So I could literally download this exact video with 39 million views. And maybe I could download some other top 10 fastest train compilations that are also Creative Commons.
And what I can do is I can reorganize. I can use a free editing software like iMovie, like a ton of different editing software, and you can re-upload the same video with a different thumbnail and a different title right?
All you need is an eye-catching thumbnail and a well-organized title. “Top 10 Fastest Trains in the World: 2018.” There isn’t a “Top 10 Fastest Trains in the World:2019.” People always want to see the most recent, actual thing that they’re looking for on YouTube.
The Most Profitable Niches
So what are actually the most profitable niches and topics to actually do this for? Because you can make top 10 compilations, top three, top five, for anything but there’s a few actual categories where you are going to make the most money. And if you’re saying to me, “Kevin, but I have zero subscribers. I’m just starting. How do I actually make this work?”
Every single one of these people who does this, when you look on YouTube, start to actually think about it. These people are uploading these top five and top tens, not because they love doing it. They’re doing it because YouTube is paying them thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to do this. And all you have to do is get one video that goes viral with the YouTube algorithm, right?
It was free for this person to create this six-minute compilation. It probably took them a couple of hours. They downloaded different videos from around YouTube. And they actually just created a compilation, a top 10 they re-uploaded it, added a cool thumbnail added a cool title, and they were on their way. But what are actually the best niches and topics to do this for?
Because if you choose the wrong topics, no one’s gonna watch it, and if no one watches it, you’re not gonna make any money. So let’s talk about what the actual best topics are to do these compilations for.
But really quickly, I do want to give a huge shout out to our comment winner. Yay. And if you want to be the comment winner and get a shout out on our next video, all you have to do is three simple things. You have to tap that like button Make sure that you do subscribe to the strongest family on YouTube and leave a comment down below letting me know what you are struggling with right now if you’re making money online if you’re just getting started, let me know where you’re at. So I can personally help you on your journey to start making more money online.
Okay, so what actually are my favorite things to make these compilations about? Realistically the best things that people are constantly watching every single day are fitness, right? People love conspiracy theories, like if we type in “conspiracy” here we can see, you know, 590, 49,000, 841,000 2.4 million, right? Lots of different actual videos here. 15 million top 10 conspiracy theories of all time people love watching this stuff. It’s the strangest thing but they actually do.
People love watching sports highlights. So if you go into here, like “top 10 sports” and then we go filter, “Creative Commons.” You can see 5.6 million views. “The best jumpers in the world,” right? You can see Vlogbrothers. You can see lots of different stuff to actually take a look at here. And you can do “top 10 Sports compilations highlights,” “best dunks,” there’s so many different things you can actually make a video about. So sports is another one that I really love.
Recent news, right? If things go viral, gaming is probably the number one thing that people are actually watching videos of on YouTube. So if you type in “gaming” here, you know you can also type in like “popular games,” like Fortnite, for example. And you can also use things that Google and YouTube tell you are popular.
So we can see right here that there’s actually a YouTube trending and to find us all there was Google search YouTube trending, and you can see YouTube trending literally for gaming. And you know what people are actually watching right? 2 million views in 19 hours, 1.1 million million views in 20 hours,
Like, literally you can see these things that people are watching, and then you can literally remake ones of the videos without making any videos yourself. Just with compilations and reposting videos that have Creative Commons and allow you to do it right, this is not shady at all.
You’re not going to get shut down YouTube is 100% okay with this, all you have to do is make sure that they’re actually creative commons so that you can reuse the footage.
How to See How Much Other Youtubers Make
And another cool tool that you can actually use to see how much money these people are making from their YouTube channels. And we can use a big YouTuber like Ricegum, for example. What we can do is, we can take his, his YouTube username, and we can go to a site called Social Blade.
So what Social Blade does is, it’ll actually show you how much an estimate of how much money that they’re making. So he’s making estimated $1.8 million from YouTube every single year and that’s probably lower than he actually is right?
Because my estimated earnings if we go to mine right here, so we’re gonna select my channel right here, and what we’re going to do is so this is actually the monthly earnings, and I only know the actual correct monthly earnings of my channel. I don’t know what Ricegum’s actually making. I’ve never asked them but I know that from What this estimates my monthly earnings are, I know that it’s actually realistically about four or five times higher than that.
So if Ricegum’s was four or five times higher than that, then he could be making, you know, up to $10 million a year from his YouTube channel. Obviously, he has a massive channel. But SocialBlade is a really cool tool, as you can see, to estimate how much people are actually making from YouTube with their channels based on the number of views.
Get Started: Simplified
Alright guys, so let’s summarize really quickly. So how do you actually do this? Right? The best way that you do this is you go into YouTube, and you literally search for popular videos that have the Creative Commons license, which is totally free to reuse in whatever way you want. And then you make better versions of their videos, you make a better thumbnail, you make a better keyword rich title, and then you re upload that video, right.
Maybe you see 10 different compilations of the fastest trains in the world. And maybe you know, number two is lame, maybe number three is lame. And so what you do is you make a better master version of all of those already popular videos and then you upload it and your first video might not be perfect, and your second video might not go viral, but I have friends who are literally making hundreds of thousands of dollars doing this exact strategy and they all started with zero experience and zero subscribers.
And so all you have to do is just get started and try to put out, you know, one or two videos a day where you’re just downloading them, making them better, re-uploading them, having better thumbnails, right? And you can get thumbnails made on for literally $5 or, there’s no excuses guys, you can do it. People are doing it every single day. Just don’t be the 99% of people that never take any action. Be the 1% who actually tries this stuff and actually makes it work because remember, all you have to do is just remake better videos that have the Creative Commons license. Upload them. And watch the views start coming in because there are millions and millions of people on YouTube every single day and this is an amazing way to start making money online, to start making $100 a day on YouTube with zero money to start.
Alright, guys, so last thing if you enjoyed this video, make sure you do me a favor. Tap a little “like” button. It helps me reach more people. It helps me reach more people who can actually start to use these strategies to make more money online. And make sure that if you haven’t, tap that little subscribe button turn on the notification bell so that you will be the first person to know when we release a brand new video on how to make money online and how to be financially free this year.
So I hope you guys enjoyed this video leave me a comment down below letting me know what you’re struggling with. Leave me a comment down below letting me know if you’ve ever made even a single dollar online or if you need help, and I’m going to try to personally respond to every single comment down below that you guys leave helping you on your path to financial freedom.
So until next time, guys, happy hustling.
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